




1. Rong Peng, Jianhang Huang, Xueqin Deng. Spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of the allocation of social care resources for the older adults in China. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2023, 22:222. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-023-02007-0

2. Rong Peng, Jianhang Huang, Xueqin Deng, Yingying Wang. Spatial differentiation and driving factors of the high-quality development of undertakings for the aged of China. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2023, 22:104. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-023-01921-7

3. 方杰,温忠麟.有调节的多层中介效应分析[J].心理科学, 2023, 46 (01): 221-229.

4. 王莹莹. 城市群人口集聚对企业全要素生产率的影响——基于粤港澳大湾区的分析[J]. 城市观察(人大复印资料全文转载). 2023, (02): 65-79+161. 

5. 王莹莹. 城市群人口集聚对共同富裕的影响——基于粤港澳大湾区的分析. 人口与经济,网络首发时间:2023-11-23 

6. 方杰,温忠麟,何子杰.常见的类别变量的有调节的中介模型分析[J].应用心理学, 2023, 29 (04): 291-299. 

7. 方杰,陈诗思,程汤海等.中文版电子游戏特质心流量表在大学生群体中的信效度[J].中国临床心理学杂志, 2023, 31 (05): 1176-1179+1183.

8. 范跃民,刘语涵.弱势家庭如何多出贤才?——基于“社会资本—家庭教育期望—代际流动”的实证分析与思考[J].云南社会科学, 2023, (04): 160-167.

9. Sicheng Wang ,Guoen Wei,Mingming Gao,Yuemin Fan.Investigating the mechanism of urbanization on the net primary productivity of vegetation in the Yangtze River Economic Belt: a comprehensive analysis from global and local effects[J]. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 11:1231487.https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2023.1231487

10. 蔡保贞,方杰.父母低头行为与青少年冷酷无情特质的关系及差异:一个链式中介效应[J].心理与行为研究, 2023, 21 (05): 644-650. 

11. 陈世民,方杰,孙配贞等.祖辈教养投入与生命意义的关系:关系需要满足和繁衍-永生需要满足的多重中介作用[J].中国临床心理学杂志, 2023, 31 (06): 1395-1399. 

12. Hong-xing Wen, Pu-yan Nie, Min Liu, Rong Peng, Ting Guo, Chan Wang, Xu-biao Xie. Multi-health effects of clean residential heating: Evidences from rural China’s coal-to-gas/electricity project. Energy for Sustainable Development, 2023, 73, 66-75.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esd.2023.01.013



2.范跃民.珠三角FDI与本土企业互动机制研究——基于信息传播和契约合作维度,中山大学出版社, 2023年6月.